Oh yes, you're back from internship and I'm sure you've gained a whole lot of things. Guess it was a time you'll want to relive. The feeling of working with geeks from different walks of life in the business world is certainly something you want to see continue. However, you've got to return to the four walls of school to complete your education program. Now, how do you show that you've learnt a great deal during internship? That's the next hurdle you've got to cross. Worry not, just as we provided you with EASY WAYS TO MAKE A GOOD FIRST IMPRESSION AT JOB INTERVIEWS we've also packaged 7 easy ways to make a good first impression during your internship defense, here they are; 1) DRESS FOR THE OCCASION Just as every requirement has some requirements, every occasion has its own dress code. To easily make a good first impression at your internship defense, you've got to dress for the occasion. You can easily...
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