IF YOU DO NOT KNOW, let it be known to you today that your thought produces your words, and your words instigate your actions. Your thoughts not only become things, they are very powerful things.
Therefore, it's very important for you to guard what flows in and out of your ' thought centre'.
You know how it works, if you think you're going to get depressed, you think yourself depressed. " I'm depressed." Why?- because you're thinking about it.
Your ' thought centre' is supreme, it's the Creative Principle, and what a man's thought can fabricate, it can certainly liquidate.
Whenever you hit a rock in your quest to succeed, you go all the way to ' think yourself a failure'.
But, have you ever read or talked to anybody who's done anything of any significance and has not hit days, weeks, and months when they had to burrow through all kinds of opposition? So, believe that you can do anything. And guess what- as a man thinks, so is he.
So, as you think of all ' dissies', the disturbances, disharmony, discord, disease, or dislocations, you go round and round in circles, becoming more and more ' dizzy' until you don't know where you are or which way to turn.
Your thinking or thought centre is like a vacuum, an empty space or a fertile ground. Anything you allow to stay in the vacuum or take root in the fertile ground will sprout, grow robust and fill the entire space.
So, whenever you THINK YOURSELF HAPPY, HAPPINESS and things of joy will sprout and take root in you, yielding big fruits which penetrate every facet of your life. THINK YOURSELF HAPPY and your life will be a happy life.
Even if your life looks like a big ZERO now, THINK YOURSELF HAPPY, because you can still be a big HERO.
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ALSO READ: Changing the rules
Thinking yourself otherwise has a crippling effect on your ' INWARD SELF'. And remember, your INWARD SELF flows out to your ' OUTWARD SELF'. This therefore makes you look like a skunk in the forest releasing signals to other people around that you're perturbed.
This life, of which you are a part, is an exciting experience. Your ' thought centre' being the cause, and your whole life experience is determined by the way you think.