. LAWS FOR BUSINESS BOOM ( Culled from the protistutes' approach to business by ALBERT ODUWOLE) The profession of a prostitute is arguably the only career in which the maximum income is paid to the newest worker. It's the only one job in which at the onset, the only exertion is that of self-indulgence, all the prizes are at the beginning. Prostitutes experience business boom. Prostitution is a business that oftentimes thrives or flourishes without any form of complimentary card , hand bill, flier, banner or T.v advert. Despite economic recession, it still booms. Now, have you ever really considered that in spite of the public views that have never for once been welcoming towards prostitutes, they have successfully captured renowned individuals, the elites in the community. Though not written down somewhere like we do have it in high schools, these invisible laws been put to use by the so called prostitutes seem to make their business not ...
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